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Discover the wisdom of Saint Francis de Sales as he transforms sickness into an altar of sacrifice. Explore his guidance for spiritual growth during trials.

Spiritual Counsel for the Sick

Saint Francis de Sales calls the bed of sickness an altar of sacrifice. In his Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death, this beloved Doctor of the Church guides the soul to glorify God in their most bitter trials. This excerpt compiles his invaluable counsel on spiritual advancement for the sick and suffering.

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Discover the profound wisdom of St. Francis de Sales on prayer. Explore types of prayer, the importance of reverence, and the essence of mental prayer for spiritual growth.

The Heart Of Prayer

As a master of the interior life and a gifted spiritual director, St. Francis de Sales offers an abundance of wisdom for the soul seeking to grow in prayer. Here, he discusses the heart of prayer including the types of prayer, exterior reverence during prayer, and mental prayer.

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Discover how to deepen your spiritual life and grow in love for God through prayer and the Sacraments with An Introduction to the Devout Life. Explore meditations on death and judgment.

Meditation On Death And Judgment

An Introduction to the Devout Life is a thorough, loving guide to advancing in the spiritual life and loving God in prayer and the Sacraments. This excerpt includes two meditations on death and judgment.

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Explore the teachings of St. Francis de Sales on prayer. Learn about the four operations of prayer and its significance in spiritual growth.

The Goal Of Prayer

In this excerpt from The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales: On Prayer, the saint treats the subject of prayer. De Sales discusses the four operations that pertain to our understanding and the goal of prayer.

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In the pursuit of holiness, expect opposition from the world. Saint Francis de Sales advises us to remain unwavering in our resolutions, standing strong against threats, insults, and assaults. Discover the courage to face adversity and stay true to your devout path.

In The World, But Not Of It

When we pursue the devout life, Saint Francis de Sales warns that the world will cast threats, insults, and assaults upon us of every kind. Here, de Sales reminds us that when the world mocks us in our pursuit of holiness, we must stand firmly rooted in our resolutions.

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Meditations on Creation

From Saint Francis de Sales’s Introduction to the Devout Life, these meditations illuminate the glory of God’s creation and His purpose for us.  First Meditation

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Uncover the transformative teachings of Saint Francis de Sales in "Philothea" as he illuminates the path to resisting temptations and nurturing a devout heart. Gain valuable insights on overcoming worldly allurements.

Guarding The Heart Against Temptation

While we remain on earth, we will inevitably encounter temptations. In Philothea or An Introduction to the Devout Life, Saint Francis de Sales has left us with wisdom on how temptation can become sinful, how to remedy them, and how to guard our hearts against temptation.

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Discover the spiritual wisdom of Saint Francis de Sales in his renowned work, Consoling Thoughts on God and Providence. Learn how to embrace God's will with perfect resignation, using the analogy of a ship without a known destination.

A Will Perfectly Resigned

Saint Francis de Sales was a saint renowned for his spiritual wisdom and guidance. Here, in one of his most well known works, Consoling Thoughts on God and Providence, he uses an analogy of a person aboard a ship without knowing its destination to explain how a soul should be perfectly resigned to the will of God.

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Discover the infinite love of God at our website. Explore the essence of His love from eternity to eternity. Learn how to reciprocate His love in return.

From Beast to Man

The Incarnation occurred in order to teach us to live no longer like brute animals, as people did after Adam’s fall, but with and according

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Gentleness Toward Ourselves

ONE of the forms in which we should practice gentleness regards ourselves, in never growing irritable with ourselves on our imperfections; for, although, in reason

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The Virtue of Virtues

ABANDONMENT is the virtue of virtues; it is the cream of charity, the fragrance of humility, the sweet­ness of patience, and the fruit of perseverance.

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Called By Name

CONSIDER the love with which Jesus Christ Our Lord suffered so much in this world, particularly in the Garden of Olives, and on Mount Calvary.

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Embrace the spirit of evangelic poverty by leaving all things for God's sake. Possess only life's necessities and be willing to go without for the love of God.

Purification and General Confession

The first purification to be made is that of sin, and the means—the holy Sacrament of Penance. Seek the best confessor that you can, take some one of the books prepared for the aid of conscience, read it carefully, and observe minutely wherein you have sinned from the earliest period up to the present time,

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Purification from the Affection to Sin

All the children of Israel actually departed from Egypt, but they did not all depart heartily, wherefore in the desert some of them regretted the flesh, the melons, the leeks, and onions of Egypt. (Num. 11). And so some penitents, though they forsake sin outwardly,

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