TAN Direction Search Results

The Rapidity of Time

These temporal years pass away; the months are reduced to weeks, the weeks to days, the days to hours, and the hours to moments, which

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Discover the story of the patron saint of a happy death on our website. Learn why this saint was called unfortunate to die and how they left behind their home, labor, and love. Find out about the assurances and confidences exchanged before departing.

Patience in Sickness

I find in the Gospel a perfect model of this virtue in the person of St. Peter’s mother-in-law. This good woman, attacked by a heavy

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Love of Jesus for Sinners

Our Lord, the great and excellent physician of our infirmities, announced everywhere, before coming into this world, both His arrival and the maladies He would

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Explore the faults and infidelities we commit daily and their impact on our relationship with Our Lord. Learn from the experiences of great saints like St. Catherine of Siena and St. Teresa.

We Should Draw Profit From Our Faults

The faults and infidelities of which we are guilty every day should indeed bring us shame and confusion, when we approach Our Lord; and thus we read of great saints, like St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Teresa, that, when they had fallen into any fault, they experienced much confusion. 

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