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Experience the profound impact of Eucharistic miracles throughout history, affirming the Real Presence and inspiring the conversion of souls. Immerse yourself in the captivating narratives of Fr. Michael Mueller's acclaimed work, "The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure."

Three Eucharistic Miracles

Since Our Lord’s time, the Church has witnessed various Eucharistic miracles. These miracles attest to the Real Presence and have caused the conversion of many souls. In his work, The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure, Fr. Michael Mueller, CSsR records a few of these soul-stirring miracles.

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How to Pray Well

Prayer is the key to salvation, for all good prayer springs forth from a soul grounded in confident faith. In this excerpt, taken from Prayer:

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Preparation For The Eucharist

Uncover the mysteries of the Mass and the sacred essence of the Blessed Eucharist with Father Michael Mueller. Explore Eucharistic miracles, deep meditations, and profound philosophy to unearth the true treasure of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

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A Sacrament of Love

Jesus Christ is not satisfied with the visits and reverence which we pay to Him. He wishes especially that we should receive Him in Holy

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Corpus Christi, Protestantism, and the Real Presence

It is thus that on this memorable day [Feast of Corpus Christi] faith triumphs, hope is enhanced, charity shines, piety exults, our temples re-echo with hymns of exultation, pure souls tremble with holy joy, the faith of the lukewarm is awakened, whilst infidelity and heresy are confounded. It cannot be doubted,

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On Unworthy Communion

There remains, Dear Reader, one more subject to treat of before my task is ended: It is unworthy Communion. It is not so agreeable a subject as those with which we have been hitherto engaged; but reverence for our Divine Saviour, as well as zeal for the salvation of souls, require that the truth should be told.

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On the Power of the Prayer of Children

Once the Emperor Henry besieged a certain city for a considerable time. The inhabitants were unwilling to surrender; so he notified them that he would give orders to his soldiers to take the city by assault, and massacre all its inhabitants to a man, even the little children.

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Satan’s Hatred for the Mass

Everyone knows that the first duty of man is to adore God. No sooner was man created than this
necessary homage became due. All know likewise that the perfect way of expressing this homage is by
sacrifice: the mode of adoration revealed by the Almighty Himself to man.

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