Practice: How to Save Society
The Blessed Virgin Mary leads us to Jesus not so much by her words but by her mystical action. Our Lady’s last recorded words in Holy Scripture are, “Whatsoever he shall say to you do ye.” Imagine her with Our Lord at some of the events during His three years of public ministry: the woman at the well, the return of Saint Peter after his denial, and at the foot of the cross. She teaches us by her presence then and now. She came on May 13 to Fatima to initiate her message for penance. The Veil of Veronica was exposed annually on May 13 in Saint Mary of Martyrs in Rome from the fourth to the seventh century. Pope Pius XII was consecrated a bishop on May 13, 1917. Julian of Norwich made a complete recovery after almost dying on May 13 after ecstasies concerning sixteen revelations about the Passion and the Trinity, her feast day also being May 13. Blessed Pius IX was born on May 13, 1792. In the researching and writing of this book, these May 13 connections were not sought, but became blatantly obvious. More connections are likely to be revealed as the cult of the Holy Face develops.
Our Lady was behind the scenes during many of these events connected to the Holy Face. But not the dancing of the sun at Fatima. No, Our Lady predicted this most remarkable of public miracles since biblical times; this warning connected the Rosary to true devotion to her and to Our Lord. The message of the Holy Face has been obscured since it was first revealed in the 1840s. And yet, we see how Our Lady continues to intercede for our needs.
Through her intercession, the Veil of Veronica was housed in the Church of Martyrs. It was exposed for public veneration on May 13 to suppress divine punishment after the Edict of Milan in 313. As the world elites are plotting their demonic plan of eugenics and world slavery, it seems political tactics are less likely to be effective. It is by mystical combat that we must engage the infernal enemies. Just as Jesus taught in parables during biblical times, only the childlike could understand but the world did not believe. Today, heaven is speaking to us in parables. In this book, I have attempted to expose the parables of the Holy Face to valiant Christians. Hopefully, more will research the connections to these mystics and apostles of the Holy Face, and we will see the blueprint, which God our Father has given us so that we can be liberated from the power of the devil and his agents.
God our Father is angry at our blasphemy, profanation of Sundays, idolatry, and irreverence, and He reminds us that He will not punish us with the elements this time, but with revolutionary men. God has given us a blueprint for preventing the punishment, to change from children under the curse to children under the blessing. We cannot all join in politically combatting revolutionary men, but we can do something even greater: strive to be the holiest Catholics we can be. And we can accomplish this by joining the ranks of the ancient army known as the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, where one joins Saint Dominic and his valiant mystical troops, the Dominicans, or the Archconfraternity or Confraternities of the Holy Face, joining in the ranks of Venerable Leo Dupont, Sister Mary of St. Peter, Saint Thérèse of the Holy Face, and Saints Louis and Zélie Martin. With confraternities, we receive the graces of saints and all the other members by imploring God to fight this war for us. “[This] battle is not yours, but God’s.” God gives us the plan for victory: the mystical combat is the antidote to defeating our foes.
The Power of Collaboration with the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary and the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face
The mystical combat can be engaged in by bishops, priests, deacons, sub-deacons, acolytes, exorcists, porters, tonsured, and the religious through Mass, the Divine Office, the Rosary, and the Holy Face devotions. Laypeople can engage in mystical combat through Mass, the Rosary, and the Holy Face devotions. Everyone must fulfill his duty in his own state in life. For those consecrated to God, who have more time to pray, the Divine Office is a requirement. The devotions to the Holy Face as required by the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face only add one minute per day (and about one hour per month for the meetings) to the spiritual rule of life. This is important for spiritual directors and confessors. Most people do not pray enough, so this devotion is critical if you want future generations to see the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the triumph of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. For those who pray enough already, this devotion is also for you, because a one-minute prayer is not too difficult. Some people have too many devotions. If you have read thus far and have too much on your plate, consider dropping one devotion and adding this devotion. This devotion is for our time.
This book reveals that the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Holy Face go together. In fact, the minimum requirement of the Holy Face is only one minute a day, “O Lord show us thy Face, and we shall be saved,” a Pater Noster, Ave María, and Gloria. But the Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face, the most comprehensive list of prayers regarding the Holy Face, contains opportunities beyond the daily minimum requirement. If one can prudently incorporate the devotions to the Holy Face with the Rosary, there is a synergetic grace. Both the Holy Face and the Rosary lead us to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of our redemption; they both lead us to a greater relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary, to true devotion, and to total consecration to her. Once we are totally hers, “If you say ‘Mary,’ she says ‘God.’” Just as the age of Mary has been upon us so that we become living copies of Mary, so now we can better love and glorify Jesus by adoring and making reparation to His Holy Face.
Our Lady has a troop of consecrated souls, and over the last four centuries, she has taught them the parables of heaven’s intervention, especially the crown jewel—the Holy Face of Jesus. It converted Saint Peter, and it will convert popes and all those below him if more clients enroll in this army, “like an army in battle array.” We need defenders of the thrice holy name of God to beg Mary “to place herself at the head of this army, she the General of the armies of the Lord, more terrible than an army set in array!” We should invoke her as Sister Mary of St. Peter did under the title of “Our Lady of the Holy Name of God.” Perhaps the age of Mary is coming to maturity, where her clients will engage in the mystical combat of the times ahead under the victorious banner of the Holy Face of Jesus!
This article is taken from a chapter in The Secret of the Holy Face by Fr. Lawrence Carney which is available from TAN Books.