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Devotion to the Sacred Heart: The Source of the Eucharist

The voice of Jesus—I was dead, My Child, and behold I am living forevermore. I had come forth from the Father, and had come into the world: at last I was leaving the world to return to the Father. However, the love of My Heart did not allow nor suffer that I should leave them orphans, whom I cherished more than My own life…

And behold! My Heart invented a means of satisfy…

Since I came down to men, that they might have spiritual life, and since I stay in their midst that they may have it more abundantly; and as the spiritual life bears in every way a resemblance to the material life, which is sustained and strengthened by natural food; they need a supernatural food, whereby the life of the spirit may be preserved, may grow in solidity, and flourish ever more and more. It is better, therefore, that I remain under the appearance of food, since I am not only the Bread of Life, but Life itself. For how much more abundantly will the faithful soul have life, if she be nourished with Life itself?

Devotion to the Sacred Heart for Holy Mass

At the Elevation of the Sacred Host – O My Saviour! With sincere humility I adore Thee, and offer Thee up, by the hands of the priest, to Thy heavenly Father in reparation for my sins and for the sins of the whole world.

At the Elevation of the Chalice – Most precious Blood, flow on my soul and sanctify it! May the love through which Thou wast shed for me be enkindled in my heart, and purify it!

After the Consecration – O Sweetest Jesus! I unite my soul with Thine. I unite my heart, my spirit, my life, and my intentions with Thy Heart, Thy Spirit, Thy Life, and Thy intentions, and present them thus united to Thy heavenly Father. Receive me, O Eternal Father, through the merits of Thy divine Son, which I offer up to Thee with the priest and the entire Church. Hidden in His wounds, covered with His blood, and adorned with His merits I appear before Thee. Cast me not away from Thy countenance, but receive me into the arms of Thy paternal goodness, and grant me the grace of salvation. O my God! I thank Thee for all Thy benefits, for Thy sacred Passion, and for the institution of the holy Sacraments, especially for the Most Holy Eucharist.

After Communion – I thank Thee, O my Saviour, that Thou wast pleased to unite Thyself spiritually with me. I offer up myself totally and without reserve to Thee, that it may please Thee to fulfill in me all Thou dost desire to accomplish. Destroy in me the spirit of self-love, humble in me whatever proudly asserts itself, and destroy whatever is opposed to Thee.

This article is taken from a chapter in Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Fr. Peter J. Arnoudt, which is available from TAN Books.



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