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Discover the extraordinary visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in "The Life of Jesus Christ," detailing salvation history with remarkable clarity and humility.

Visions Of Mary’s Childhood

The Life of Jesus Christ is one of the most extraordinary books every published, recording the mystical visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. These visions spanned all of salvation history with remarkable detail, relayed impeccably by Sister Emmerich in her humility and felicity. This excerpt follows Mary’s dedication to the temple at age three.

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Be part of the poignant farewell of Jesus to His loved ones in Bethania before the Pasch. Hear His final instructions and conversations with the holy women, Lazarus, and His Blessed Mother.

Jesus Goes To Jerusalem

In the morning, while the Apostles were engaged at Jerusalem in preparing for the Pasch, Jesus, who had remained at Bethania, took an affecting leave of the holy women, of Lazarus, and of His Blessed Mother, and gave them some final instructions. I saw Our Lord conversing apart with His Mother, and He told her,

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elve into the Apostles' conversations about greatness and the imminent departure of Our Lord. Uncover their speculations and hidden agendas on the website.

Witness Of Humility: Washing The Apostles’ Feet

During this time, the Apostles spoke among themselves, and began speculating as to which of them would be the greatest, for Our Lord having expressly announced that He was about to leave them and that His kingdom was near at hand, they felt strengthened anew in their idea that He had secret plans, and that He was referring to some earthly triumph which would be theirs at the last moment.

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