TAN Direction Search Results

Discover saintly wisdom on detachment, mortification, prayer, and more at The Soul Sanctified. Embrace consolations in mortification for spiritual growth.

Consolations During Mortification

Compiled from works of the greatest saints and theologians of the Church, The Soul Sanctified is a treasury of saintly counsel and fruitful meditations, covering topics such as detachment from earthly things, sins of habit, the Four Last Things, abandonment to the Divine Will, mortification, cultivating virtue, prayer, and consolation in the spiritual life. The following excerpt describes the consolations we must embrace during mortification. 

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Joy And Peace Through God Alone

Compiled from works of the greatest saints and theologians of the Church, The Soul Sanctified is a treasury of saintly counsel and fruitful meditations, covering topics such as detachment from earthly things, sins of habit, the Four Last Things, abandonment to the Divine Will, mortification, cultivating virtue, prayer, and consolation in the spiritual life. The following excerpt consoles the reader with meditation on the true joy and peace that is found in God alone.

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Saintly Quotes on Virtue

Compiled by TAN, Cultivating Virtue is a collection of wisdom from the saints themselves, offering spiritual guidance for each month of the year. Highlighted below

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