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John William Waterhouse, Echo and Narcissus, 1903 (Wikimedia Commons)

Playing Princes

Of all the autobiographies ever written by mere mortals, Confessions by Saint Augustine of Hippo is the greatest. In this masterpiece, you will find a

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Learn the practical way to salvation with St. Alphonsus's writings on obedience. Dive into Catholic spirituality in The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation.

A Guide To Obedience

Carved out from St. Alphonsus’s greatest writings, The 12 Steps to Holiness and Salvation contains classic texts of Catholic spirituality that teach you the practical way to Heaven. This excerpt guides the soul in the virtue of obedience.

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Discover the transformative teachings of Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade on surrendering to God's will. Abandonment to Divine Providence is a timeless guide for spiritual growth and trust.

The Holy State Of Abandonment

With wisdom and care, Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade teaches the practice of total surrender to God’s will. For those in any season of the spiritual life, Abandonment to Divine Providence is the perfect guide to obedience and trust. In this excerpt, the author describes the perfect way and the merits of abandonment.

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Discover the ten virtues exemplified by the Virgin Mary and learn how to cultivate them in your own life. Seek her guidance for a virtuous path on our website.

The Ten Virtues Of Mary

The Virgin Mary is a shining example of virtue for us on earth. The following are the ten virtues she perfectly practiced throughout her earthly life. As her children, we should earnestly ask her to assist us in the cultivation of virtue in our own lives.

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