TAN Direction Search Results

Discover how to overcome the temptation of criticizing others and learn to bear their faults with patience. Explore Thomas à Kempis' teachings on Matthew 7:3.

Bearing The Defects Of Others

hy do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? (Matthew 7:3) All too often, we fall into the trap of criticism of others. It can be all too easy to lose patience with the faults of others. Here, Thomas à Kempis teaches us how to bear the defects of others with patience, following in the footsteps of Christ.

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Uncover the path to spiritual growth and enlightenment through A Treatise on Perfection. Cardinal Arman Jean du Plessis imparts valuable wisdom for a more fulfilling soulful journey.

Five Saintly Counsels

These five spiritual counsels from A Treatise on Perfection contain wisdom to help the soul along the road to holiness. Written by Cardinal Arman Jean du Plessis, Duke of Richelieu, a saintly man himself, readers will find in these counsels profitable for the soul.

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Discover the profound connection between the liberty of God's children and the inner peace and tranquility experienced by the just on our website.

The Peace Enjoyed By The Just

The liberty of the children of God is the cause of another privilege of virtue, no less precious than itself – the interior peace and tranquility which the just enjoy. 

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Gain Insight Into The Struggles Against Sin Shared By Young And Not-so-young Individuals. Despite Societal Indoctrination, They Possess A Remarkable Awareness Of Natural Law And Self, Boldly Recognizing And Confronting Sin. Explore Their Revealing Narratives On Our Website.

Battle Ready: No Mental Prayer, No Holiness

When young people tell me about their struggles against sin (and quite a few not so young), the manner in which they recount their difficulties is quite revealing.  First of all, they know what is a sin, and that’s helpful. In spite of the perverse indoctrination they receive from all sides (academia, entertainment, big tech, our present regime, etc.), they still have enough awareness of natural law and self to know to call sin out for what it is. That’s encouraging.

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