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Virtuous Friendship

The Way of Perfection is a highly detailed guide to approaching the Lord through higher and higher degrees of meditative prayer and contemplation, written by

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Uncover the essential role of prayer in salvation. God's command to ask and receive underscores its vital nature. Jesus stresses the obligation to pray continuously. The Church asserts that neglecting prayer can lead to grave sin and advises seeking God's help during moments of strong temptation.

Prayer Is Necessary for Salvation

Prayer is not only useful to us, but necessary for salvation. Hence it is that God, because He desires that we should all be saved, has enjoined it on us by a precept. “Ask, and it shall be given you.” (Matthew 7:7). Jesus Christ says, that men “ought always to pray.” (Luke 18:1). He does not say it is useful or benefitting, but that men “ought always to pray.” Wherefore, the Doctors of the Church justly say that a man cannot be excused from grievous [i.e., mortal] sin who neglects to recommend himself to God at least once in a month and whenever he finds himself assaulted by any strong temptation.

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Uncover Saint Teresa of Avila's guidance on practicing perfect charity and gaining spiritual love for others. Apply her timeless wisdom to enrich your spiritual journey.

Growing In Perfect Charity

The following was taken from The Way of Perfection by Saint Teresa of Avila. In these excerpts, Saint Teresa explains how to practice perfect charity, an example of true charity, and how to gain spiritual love for others. While Saint Teresa is writing to those living in a state of religious life, her spiritual wisdom can be applied to all.

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Take Up Thy Cross

The Imitation of Christ and its author, Thomas à Kempis, need no introduction. Said to have made more saints than any book after the Bible,

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Four Ends of Prayer

Spiritual writers often distinguish between four ends of prayer, that is, four reasons why one may go to prayer. They are usually articulated as: Adoration, Thanksgiving, Contrition (or Expiation), and Petition.By Adoration, the one at prayer acknowledges that God is, in-and-of Himself,

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Perseverance in Prayer

The anemic style so frequently noted in recent translations and compositions of prayer, particularly over the past sixty or so years, is not quite so

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Elevate Your Conversations By Becoming A Better Listener. Learn How To Engage With Others In A Meaningful Way And Build Stronger Connections.

The Vigilant Heart: Remote Preparation For Mental Prayer

We have all had the experience of being in conversation with someone who is not attentive, looks over our shoulder, glances at his watch, scrolls up and down on his phone, etc. while we speak. Every one of us also knows what it means to speak with someone who is truly listening and grasps even the unspoken things that we’ve communicated.

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