TAN Direction Search Results

Discover the wisdom of Saint Francis de Sales as he transforms sickness into an altar of sacrifice. Explore his guidance for spiritual growth during trials.

Spiritual Counsel for the Sick

Saint Francis de Sales calls the bed of sickness an altar of sacrifice. In his Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death, this beloved Doctor of the Church guides the soul to glorify God in their most bitter trials. This excerpt compiles his invaluable counsel on spiritual advancement for the sick and suffering.

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Discover the story of the patron saint of a happy death on our website. Learn why this saint was called unfortunate to die and how they left behind their home, labor, and love. Find out about the assurances and confidences exchanged before departing.

Patience in Sickness

I find in the Gospel a perfect model of this virtue in the person of St. Peter’s mother-in-law. This good woman, attacked by a heavy

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