TAN Direction Search Results

Delve into the significance of confession as a powerful weapon against the diabolic. Spiritual Warfare and Divine Mercy by Fr. Ken Garci, CPM reveals its spiritual effects and presents compelling quotes on this essential sacrament.

Confession: A Weapon In The Battle For Souls

Confession is one of the single greatest weapons against the diabolic. In these excerpts, taken from Spiritual Warfare and Divine Mercy, Fr. Ken Garci, CPM discusses the power of confession, its potency as a weapon against the diabolic, its spiritual effects, and noteworthy quotes attesting to the importance of this sacrament.

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Meditation on the Scourging at the Pillar

Amidst the thirty-one meditations encapsulating diverse facets of the Lord’s Passion and Death, this particular reflection centers on the agonizing scourging endured by Christ at the pillar. Through vivid imagery and poignant introspection, the meditation invites the devout to witness the excruciating brutality inflicted upon the sinless Savior, evoking a profound sense of empathy and reverence for His sacrificial journey towards redemption.

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