TAN Direction Search Results

Discover the boundless favors awaiting those who trust in the Sacred Heart. Unlock the mercy and tender heart of Our Lord through unwavering confidence.

The Key To The Heart Of Jesus

The heart of Our Lord is willing to grant countless favors to the soul who entrusts itself to the Sacred Heart. Yet how few souls place their trust in the mercy of Our Lord’s most tender heart. The confidence of souls can be said to be a key that unlocks the heart of Jesus.

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Explore the divine purpose of the priesthood in the salvation of souls. Venerable Louise Margaret delves into the priest's role in sustaining, enlightening, and guiding mankind towards God.

The Priest: A Creation Of Infinite Love

God, in His excess of love for man, created the priest. The priest was created to help sustain, enlighten, and bring man closer to God. Here Venerable Louise Margaret reflects upon the gift of the priesthood and the role of the priest in the salvation of souls.

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Delve into the celestial realm with Saint Anselm of Canterbury and contemplate the extraordinary connections between souls in heaven. Experience the unity, strength, and unparalleled bliss that will define our relationships in paradise. Begin your exploration now.

Friendship In Heaven

What will our relationship with other souls be like in heaven? Reflect with Saint Anselm of Canterbury as he meditates upon the wonderful friendship among the souls in heaven and the concord, power, and perfect joy that we will experience together in paradise.

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Discover the spiritual battle for souls in the Manual for Spiritual Warfare. Paul Thigpen reveals the rules, comrades, and victory through Jesus Christ. Join the fight now!

Cultivating Compassion

Saint Albert the great articulates that genuine compassion transcends mere sympathy, extending to all beings in need, regardless of differences or distances. He underscores its dual purpose: to alleviate suffering and to foster a deeper connection with the Divine. And identifies unmistakable signs of compassion, manifested in acts of selfless service and heartfelt empathy. Aspiring to instill this essential virtue in our spiritual journey, Albert offers a fervent prayer, entreating divine guidance in nurturing the boundless compassion within our souls.

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