TAN Direction Search Results

Meditation on the Scourging at the Pillar

Amidst the thirty-one meditations encapsulating diverse facets of the Lord’s Passion and Death, this particular reflection centers on the agonizing scourging endured by Christ at the pillar. Through vivid imagery and poignant introspection, the meditation invites the devout to witness the excruciating brutality inflicted upon the sinless Savior, evoking a profound sense of empathy and reverence for His sacrificial journey towards redemption.

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Discover the spiritual battle for souls in the Manual for Spiritual Warfare. Paul Thigpen reveals the rules, comrades, and victory through Jesus Christ. Join the fight now!

Cultivating Compassion

Saint Albert the great articulates that genuine compassion transcends mere sympathy, extending to all beings in need, regardless of differences or distances. He underscores its dual purpose: to alleviate suffering and to foster a deeper connection with the Divine. And identifies unmistakable signs of compassion, manifested in acts of selfless service and heartfelt empathy. Aspiring to instill this essential virtue in our spiritual journey, Albert offers a fervent prayer, entreating divine guidance in nurturing the boundless compassion within our souls.

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Jesus and the Good Thief

Step into the profound world of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s mystical insights as she unveils the poignant journey of Christ’s suffering in ‘The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Delve deep into the vivid revelations of this visionary and mystic, gaining an intimate understanding of the profound sacrifice endured for humanity’s salvation.

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Discover the infinite love of God at our website. Explore the essence of His love from eternity to eternity. Learn how to reciprocate His love in return.

From Beast to Man

The Incarnation occurred in order to teach us to live no longer like brute animals, as people did after Adam’s fall, but with and according

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Discover the essence of Christian virtues and forgiveness on our website. Learn how to repay evil with a blessing and inherit grace. Explore Peter's guidance and Jesus' teaching on loving our enemies.

The First Pope’s Instruction On Suffering

As the universal shepherd is admonishing believers on the Christian way of life, he summarizes the virtues that are expected of believers and particularly calls us not to repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse. The willingness of Christians to forgive others is the hallmark of our faith in every age. The chief apostle beckons us to repay evil “with a blessing.” In this way, we allow grace to work and we in turn “inherit a blessing.” Holding on to bitterness and hate enslaves us, while forgiveness frees us. Peter’s guidance to “repay with a blessing” is in a sense a reflection of Jesus’ teaching to love our enemies.

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The Chalice He Offers Us

It is one of the most firmly established and most consoling of the truths that have been revealed to us that (apart from sin) nothing

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