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Delve into the extraordinary visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, as she unveils the intricate details of Christ's Passion and Death in "The Dolorous Passion." Experience the profound devotion of Veronica and witness the miracle of Christ's Holy Face on her veil.

The Veil Of Veronica

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was blessed with countless visions of the lives of Christ and His Blessed Mother. In The Dolorous Passion, she describes her visions of Christ’s Passion and Death in striking detail, inspiring sorrow and devotion in every reader. The following vision details the devotion of Veronica and the miracle of Christ’s Holy Face on her veil. 

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The Resurrection Of Our Lord

I beheld the soul of Our Lord between two Angels who were in the attire of warriors: it was bright, luminous, and resplendent as the sun at midday; it penetrated the rock, touched the Sacred Body, passed into it, and the two were instantaneously united, and became as one. I then saw the limbs move, and the body of Our Lord, being reunited to His soul and to His divinity, rise and shake off the winding sheet: the whole of the cave was illuminated and lightsome.

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xplore the mysterious history of the Apostles' chalice from Veronica's house. Discover forgotten consecrated jewels and ancient vases buried in the temple.

The Chalice Used At The Last Supper

The chalice which the Apostles brought from Veronica’s house was wonderful and mysterious in its appearance. It had been kept a long time in the temple among other precious objects of great antiquity, the use and origin of which had been forgotten. The same has been in some degree the case in the Christian Church, where many consecrated jewels have been forgotten and fallen into disuse with time. Ancient vases and jewels, buried beneath the temple, had often been dug up, sold, or reset.

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