Archangel Michael defeats Satan, Guido Reni (1575-1642). c. 1635, oil on silk. Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini, photographed by Andrew Graham Dixon / Wikimedia Commons

The Prince of the Heavenly Host

Saint Michael the Archangel, also known as the “Prince of the Heavenly Host,” is among the seven archangels chosen by God. Saint Aloysius contemplates this mighty warrior of God and encourages souls to invoke him in times of need.

Saint Michael the Archangel

After our contemplation of the magnificence, beauty, and harmony of the angelic hierarchy as a whole, it is fitting that we now turn our attention to the invincible prince of the heavenly host, the archangel Michael. On account of his unwavering fidelity and burning zeal, he was established by God as a general or commander amongst the celestial armies. Indeed, he serves as a trusted leader to all the other angels, who perform the diversity of ministries assigned to them.

Who Is Like God?

The name by which this most blessed spiritual being is honored, Michael, means “Who is like God?” For when Lucifer, impelled by pride and envy against God, wished to become like Him, this most powerful archangel, burning with ardent zeal and indignant at the offence given to the Most High, exclaimed, “Who is like God?” By this, he meant, “Who is so arrogant and bold that he should dare to compare himself to God?” By asking this rhetorical question, he expressed the manifest and holy truth that there is no created being, either in heaven or anywhere else in the entire universe, who can rival the one, supreme God.

O mighty and invincible Michael! You are truly worthy of the glorious name you bear. For you are blessed amongst all angels and worthy of all praise and honor from the human race! For it was you who were most zealous and faithful in vindicating and defending the glory of God against His foe.

This glorious angel has been enriched by God with countless privileges and honors, not only in the Church Triumphant (in heaven), but also in the Church Militant (on earth). Under the covenant of the Old Law, he was appointed protector and guardian of the synagogue. And under the New Law—that is, the Gospel of Christ—he is exalted as defender and guide to the Church of God. This is the insuperable and awesome commander and captain whom the entire army of the heavens follows faithfully and loyally. Under his leadership and direction, the force of the good angels assembled and fought valiantly against the wicked temerity of the ancient serpent and attained a glorious victory over the enemy of God! And, led by Saint Michael, that radiant, celestial army cast the ancient serpent—that is, Satan—from the heavens, together with all his myriad minions of fiends and rebel angels.

Protector of God’s People

Since the time of that primordial battle, Michael has always been prompt and ready at hand to raise himself for battle for the sake of the glory of God and the salvation of humankind. He is the one who fought for the people of God in Egypt when they were liberated from the yoke of Pharaoh’s oppression by means of signs and wonders. He it was who struck down all the firstborn of the land of Egypt on that horrible night of death and slaughter which was the first Passover. He it was who for forty long years went before the tribes of Israel as they wandered through the desert wastes, acting as their ever-watchful guide and guardian. Through his power, the army of Pharaoh, who pursued the people of God, were submerged into the watery depths of the Red Sea. With his mighty arm and the blazing sword of sanctity, he laid to waste those people and nations who resisted the Israelites and eventually led them safely to the haven of the Promised Land.

After the death of Moses, when the cunning devil endeavored to draw the people of God away from the truths of sacred wisdom and to lead them into the darkness of idolatry, it was Michael who put the deceiver to flight. And as he performed all of these stupendous feats and heroic deeds, he was constantly inflamed by the most ardent zeal for the divine honor and for the salvation of the chosen people of God.

This most glorious archangel, apart from his role in providing general protection for the holy Church, has another special function—namely, that of receiving, protecting, and guiding the souls of the faithful after death as they make their journey from this world to the next. He will ward off the attacks of all malign demons and deliver the souls of the deceased safely to the tribunal of Christ, where they shall receive whatever recompense and reward is due to them according to their merits.

And then, when the end of this world arrives, Michael shall again appear as a mighty warrior and hero to engage in the final battle with the Antichrist, who will endeavor to deceive the faithful by means of miracles and prodigies. This radiant archangel shall then valiantly protect the Church of God against the Antichrist and against the multitude of persecutions and foes who shall assail it. And once he has attained victory over the prince of darkness and cast him, bound, into the bottomless abyss of the inferno, then it is this same archangel who shall blow upon the final trumpet. At the thunderous blast of this final trumpet, the dead shall arise from their graves and be assembled before the eternal Judge—the just and righteous, to receive their blissful reward of eternal glory, while the wicked and sinners shall hear that dreaded sentence of unending damnation. Truly, indeed, at that stage, there shall be no further time or opportunity for mercy or for grace but only the most severe and exact justice of God. And according to this just and definitive judgment, each one shall go to their place of eternal habitation—heaven or hell—depending upon what they merited whilst in this world!

Unconquerable Warrior

O invincible prince of the heavenly host and unfailing guardian of the Church and of the souls of the faithful! You have fought in so many fierce battles, inflamed with love and ardor. And each and every time you have fought, you have attained a glorious victory over the foe. This you have done not for the purpose of gaining personal fame or renown, as the generals and commanders of this world are accustomed to do. Rather you performed your deeds of heroism and valor purely to defend and protect the honor and glory of God and to promote and advance the salvation of the entire human race. In truth, this is something which all we Christians are bound to do also in our own way and in accordance with our state of life.

Come, O unconquerable Saint Michael, to the assistance of my soul! For it is continually attacked and assailed, assaulted and imperiled, by its enemies—namely, the flesh, the world, and the devil. Just as once you were mighty captain and leader to the people of Israel as they wandered through the arid wastelands of the desert, be unto me a faithful leader and companion as I make my way through the desert of this world. And may you finally lead my soul to the joyful land of the living, to that true heavenly homeland, for which all mortals on the earth deeply yearn as poor, banished exiles.

This article is taken from a chapter in Meditations on the Holy Angels by St. Aloysius Gonzaga which is available from TAN Books



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