Discover the miraculous life of Sister St. Rita of Cascia, the beloved Augustinian nun known as the "Saint of the Impossible." Explore her powerful intercession and the countless miracles attributed to her.

Rita Of Cascia: Saint Of The Impossible

Saint Rita of Cascia, one of the most beloved saints of the Church, is a saint renowned for her extraordinary answers to prayers. Untold miracles have occurred upon her intercession, earning her the nickname, “Saint of the Impossible”. Recounted here are some of the miracles Saint Rita has obtained for those who beseech her.

“Saint Of The Impossible”

In every age, there have been holy and saintly persons who have verified the saying of the Holy Ghost: “God is wonderful in His saints.” The pages of church history are replete with names of saints whom God has honored by making them the instruments of His power, and by communicating to them the gift of working miracles in His name and for His honor and glory.

Among the many and the great saints to whom God has given the power of miracles, there is none more favored with this heavenly gift than the humble Augustinian nun, Sister St. Rita of Cascia. In fact, so marvelous have been the miracles wrought through her powerful intercession that she has merited the singular and glorious title: “Saint of the Impossible.”

Were we to relate the long list of miracles wrought through the intercession of St. Rita, we would be obliged to make the story of her life too long. We will only mention a few of the many miracles brought to notice during the Process of her Beatification.

Power Over Evil Spirits

That God gave St. Rita power and dominion over the common enemy of mankind is evident from the number of persons she liberated from the tyranny and slavery of the Evil One, who afflicted their bodies in various and violent ways.

We will relate two striking facts in proof of St. Rita’s power over the Evil One. Perna, the daughter of Giovanni and Elena Tuzi, both natives of Norcia, had been for many years tormented by an evil spirit that had taken possession of her body. On the 10th of June, in the year 1491, Perna came to Cascia, and while kneeling in prayer before the body of St. Rita, the evil spirit was forced to leave and go out of her body.

Another woman, whose name was Casandra, a resident of Aquilla, became possessed of a devil, God permitting it in punishment for breaking her promise to go and venerate the body of St. Rita, through whose intercession her sick boy had been cured when he was at the point of death. For the space of three years the devil tormented her in a most cruel manner. One day the evil spirit told her that he would never abandon nor cease to torment her, unless she went to visit the tomb of St. Rita in Cascia. By force, two of her grownup sons brought her before the body of St. Rita, and Casandra was liberated at once from the power of the devil, who, on leaving the woman’s body, proclaimed the details of the miracle. This miracle took place in the year 1541.

Rita Cures The Blind

St. Rita’s power in curing the blind was no less marvelous. A woman whose name was Lucia di Santi, a native of the village of Santa Maria, had been deprived of her sight for the period of fifteen years. On the 18th of June, in the year 1457, her blindness was cured after she had prayed for fifteen consecutive days before the body of St. Rita.

Another woman, blind in one eye, recovered her full sight through the intercession of St. Rita, in the year 1539.

A similar favor was obtained by Bernardino, son of Tiberio, who accidentally injured one of his eyes. According to reputable physicians, he was in danger of losing the sight of his other eye. But when he was led before the body of St. Rita, he humbly asked her aid and his eye was healed.

An Advocate For Those With Infirmities Of The Throat

St. Rita is also a special advocate before God for those who suffer infirmities of the throat, as is verified by the following. A certain Francesco di Monteferro was afflicted with a cancer in the throat. As he was a good and devout man, St. Rita appeared to him in his sleep. There was doubt whether the vision were an illusion or not, and St. Rita appeared a second time. Francesco told some of his friends of these visions and asked them if there were a saint with a wound on her forehead. But his friends only laughed and began to make fun of him. St. Rita appeared a third time to him and told him her name. Feeling consoled after this last vision, Francesco went to Cascia and was completely cured of the cancer while he was in prayer before the tomb of the Saint. This miracle took place in the year 1510. In thanksgiving to God for so great a manifestation of His mercy and power through the intercession of St. Rita, the people who were in the church when the miracle was wrought formed a procession and marched through the streets of Cascia. After the procession, a sermon was preached in honor of St. Rita.

Rita Heals The Sick And Infirm

St. Rita was also compassionate toward the paralytics who sought her intercession. Among the many paralytics she cured was a certain woman of Longe. She had been a paralytic for years. Having been brought by some of her family to Cascia, they placed her before the body of St. Rita, and while praying with faith and confidence in the intercession of St. Rita, she was cured. After returning thanks to God and St. Rita, she returned home on foot. This miracle took place in the year 1489.

God also endowed St. Rita with the power to give health to as many of the sick or infirm, who with faith and confidence implored her intercession. Lucrezia, daughter of Notario Paulo, a native of Calforcella, was a victim, for many years, of dropsy. On the 25th of May, in the year of Our Lord 1547, while standing in the presence of the body of St. Rita, she was cured of her ailment.

This article is taken from a chapter in Saint Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible by Fr. Joseph Sicardo, OSA which is available from TAN Books



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