Prayer, Eduard Ratti (1816–1856), 1834, oil on canvas. National Museum in Warsaw / Wikimedia Commons.

It Is Easy to Give Oneself to God

We often fall into the temptation of feelings of inadequacy or discouragement in the pursuit of holiness. Yet, in truth, it is easy to give oneself to God. He Himself will provide all we lack.

The soul is wrong in exaggerating the difficulties of the spiritual life.

The Challenge of Belonging Entirely to God

GOD is the Sovereign Master of all things. He is the Principle of my being, the End of my existence, the Divine Model of my life. Over me He exercises an absolute and universal power.

Ah, I tremble before this rigorous and grave obligation of belonging entirely to God! Without committing robbery, I can keep back from Him no action, no moment.

How can I consecrate to Him an entire life composed of a thousand daily actions? Ceaselessly, the mind conceives thoughts, the heart produces affections. How can I govern all this interior world?

The strong or unsubdued passions are in constant action. With difficulty the senses submit to the yoke of the will; the imagination believes herself mistress of the house and overthrows all interior order; reason is deceived by the senses and seduced by appearances of truth; the will itself is feeble and feeds upon secret attachments; it is in connivance with the enemy. And how can one consecrate an entire life to God when exterior obstacles are multiplied around the soul? If she wills to give herself to God, will these obstacles permit her to so do? Numerous are the enemies of God and of piety; more numerous still are indifferent and cowardly men. Human respect is master of the world. A smile, a sarcastic remark, a clever phrase: such things have turned more souls from God than the demon himself has done.

And moreover, how can one securely arm himself against the seductions of the world, against the allurements of vice, bad example, pernicious maxims? Oh, how true it is that “all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution!” (2 Tim. 3:12).

And if only this life of abandonment to God were to last a limited time! But it must be prolonged until one’s last breath. There must be no respite, no ease, no compromise; for all belongs to God and must be given to Him.

“Sanctity is Too Hard”

How can one always keep up such a struggle against self, exterior obstacles and all kinds of enemies? In the end, the soul is worn out, the heart is weary, the will is weakened, routine takes the place of fervor, indifference succeeds to zeal, apathy is substituted for the former ardor. Farewell, generous designs, noble desires, heroic sacrifices! You were but beautiful dreams, shadowy hopes! Farewell to sanctity! It is too hard. Durus est hic sermo, et quis potest eum audire?—“This saying is hard, and who can hear it?” (John 6:61). Lord, Thy word, calling me to such a life, is too hard, and who can hear it?

A dark picture, indeed! My Soul, wilt thou also go away and abandon the Saviour who calls thee to follow Him?

O Jesus, to whom should I go? Hast Thou not the words of eternal life? Thou hast said: “My yoke is sweet and My burden light.” (Matt. 11:30). “Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” (Matt. 11:28). It is not so difficult to follow Thee. They who would make me believe that sanctity is out of reach of my weakness are deceiving me.

God Provides All We Need

To all Thy creatures Thou hast given over and above what is necessary. They lack nothing essential to the attainment of their end. Am I alone unfortunate in not having in abundance the means of sanctification?

I see that everywhere, in profusion, Thou hast provided the necessities of life: water, air, earth fail no one. Can it be then that the indispensable elements will be wanting to my supernatural life, which is much more precious in Thine eyes? Oh, I cannot believe it! Thy Wisdom has foreseen all and rules all; Thy Power has prepared all; Thy Goodness has given all that can make the spiritual life easy for me.

Jesus, I do not wish to exaggerate the difficulties in the way of perfection. I leave that conduct to Thine enemies. Do they strive to keep souls away from Thy Divine Heart? I desire to draw near to Thee, leading many souls. Jesus, teach us not to encumber our way with imaginary obstacles, not to load ourselves with useless burdens, not to lose ourselves in hidden bypaths, not to exhaust our strength in imprudent marches. Show us the wide, straight way, and lead us by the hand. We will never forsake Thee. We will go with Thee to the very summit of the mountain. There, Jesus, we shall repose in Thee and rejoice with the legions of generous souls that have gone before us.

This article is taken from a chapter in The Gift of Oneself: Surrendering Oneself to God as a Way of Life by Rev. Joseph Schryvers, C.SS.R. which is available from TAN Books



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