Holy Face of Jesus, El Greco and workshop (1541–1614), c. 1586-1595, oil on canvas. Museum of Prada / Wikimedia Commons.

Prayers of Reparation

The greatest way to make reparation for our sins is to adore the Holy Face of Jesus. In this article, discover the most powerful prayers of reparation and the promises of Christ to all who console His despised and precious Face. 

The Golden Arrow

May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven, on earth and under the earth, by all the creatures of God and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.


This prayer was dictated by Our Lord to Sr. Mary of St. Peter, O.C.D., Discalced Carmelite nun of Tours, France (1816–1848). Opening His Heart to her, our Saviour complained of blasphemy, saying that this sin wounds His Divine Heart more grievously than all other sins, since it is like a “poisoned arrow.” He also told her that the two sins which offend Him the most grievously are blasphemy and the profanation of Sunday. Our Lord called the above prayer the “Golden Arrow,” saying that those who would recite it would pierce Him delightfully, and also heal those other wounds inflicted on Him by the malice of sinners. Sr. Mary of St. Peter saw, “streaming from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, delightfully wounded by this ‘Golden Arrow,’ torrents of graces for the conversion of sinners.”

Prayer to Reproduce The Image of God in Our Souls

I salute You, I adore You and I love You, adorable Face of my beloved Jesus, as the noble stamp of the Divinity! Completely surrendering my soul to You, I most humbly beg You to stamp this seal upon us all, so that the image of God may once more be reproduced by its imprint in our souls. Amen.

Offering of the Sacred Heart

Dictated by Our Lord to Sr. Mary of St. Peter

Eternal Father, look upon the Sacred Heart of Jesus which I offer to You as a vase, that it might receive the wine of Your Justice, so that in passing through this Holy Channel Your Justice may be changed for us into the Wine of Your Mercy!

Holy Face Prayer for Sinners

by St. Therese of Lisieux

Eternal Father, since You have given me for my inheritance the Adorable Face of Your Divine Son, I offer that Face to You and I beg You, in exchange for this coin of infinite value, to forget the ingratitude of souls dedicated to You and to pardon all poor sinners.

Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Favor of Those Who Honor His Holy Face

Promise to St. Gertrude

“They shall receive in themselves, by the impression of My humanity, a bright irradiation of My divinity, and shall be so illuminated by it in their inmost souls that, by their likeness to My Face, they shall shine in eternal life with a brightness surpassing that of many others.”

Promise to St. Mechtilde

“Those who embrace this work of reparation
with true piety will not be lost, for I Myself
will defend them before My Father and I will
give them the Kingdom of Heaven. I will
grant them the grace of final perseverance.”

Promises to Sr. Mary of St. Peter

“By My Holy Face you will work wonders!”

“Through this Holy Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners. Nothing that you ask in virtue of the Holy Face will be refused you. Oh, if you only knew how pleasing is the sight of My Face to My Father.”

“Our Lord assured me that all persons who would apply themselves to this Work of Reparation to His Holy Face would perform the same service in His behalf as that which the saintly Veronica had performed.”

“I will give you My adorable Face, and each time that you present it to My Father, My mouth will be open to plead your cause.”

“In proportion to the care you take in making reparation to My face, disfigured by blasphemies, I will take care of yours, disfigured by sin. I will imprint My image on it and render it as beautiful as when it was washed in the waters of Baptism.”

“Then Our Lord promised me that all who defended His cause in the Work of Reparation, whether by their words, their prayers or by their writing, He would Himself defend before His Eternal Father, and that He would give them His Kingdom. Then it seemed to me that Our Lord urged me to extend this promise in His Name to His priests, who through a crusade of preaching would advance the cause of Reparation.

“As for His spouses who would strive to honor and wipe His Holy Face in a spirit of atoning for blasphemies, Our Lord promised that at their death He would purify the face of their souls by effacing the stains of sin, and that He would restore to them their original beauty.”

Behold, O God, our Protector, and look upon the Face of Thy Christ!

This article is taken from a chapter in Prayers and Heavenly Promises by TAN Books which is available from TAN Books



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