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Uncover the holy site where the Blessed Virgin brought the Light of the World into the world. Visit the stone trough crib and wooden manger where Jesus was laid, a powerful symbol of faith and salvation.

Advent Recollection: The Cave Of Bethlehem

The Blessed Virgin was in the eastern part of this cave, exactly opposite the entrance, when she gave birth to the Light of the World. The crib in which the child Jesus was laid stood on the west side of the southern and more roomy part of the cave. This crib was a hollowed-out stone trough lying on the ground and used for cattle to drink from; over it stood a longish rectangular manger or rack, narrower below and broader above, made of wooden lattice-work and raised on four feet so that the beasts could comfortably eat the hay or grass in the rack and lower their heads to drink the water in the trough beneath.

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Uncover the extraordinary legacy of Bishop Ignatius Kung, a symbol of unwavering faith and dedication. Learn about his incredible sacrifice and refusal to renounce his allegiance to Rome.

Advent – Time For “Holiday Parties” Or Little Lent?

My childhood hero was Bishop Ignatius Kung.

We were told of his heroic suffering as a prisoner. The Chinese Communists (the same ones who recently gifted us with a man-made virus), permitted him to leave his solitary confinement of thirty years if he would only renounce his allegiance to Rome.

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