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Delve into the fascinating story of St. John Henry Newman, from his Anglican roots to his profound love for the Blessed Mother. Learn about his path to Catholicism.

Our Lady Of Perpetual Help

St. John Henry Newman is most well-known for his conversion from Anglicanism to the Catholic Church. Surprisingly, Newman held a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother even as a Protestant, and it was ultimately this Marian love that drew him home to the Church. 

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Explore the life of Saint Joseph, the foster father of Christ, through the insightful writings of Fr. Matthew Kauth. Discover how to imitate his holiness and deepen your spiritual journey.

Saint Joseph’s Holy Fear

The Imitation of Saint Joseph illuminates the foster father of Christ, the most chaste spouse of Mary, and our spiritual father and intercessor. With stirring prose and philosophy, Fr. Matthew Kauth describes the life of Saint Joseph so that we may better imitate his holiness.

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Unveil the extraordinary truth of Mary as the Mother of God on our site. Explore her unique exemption from the fate of mortals and her eternal life in heavenly glory.

Meditations on Mary

“Most Favored Daughter” and “The Sinless Mother” are two meditations on Mary by Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman. Here he reflects on the abundant favor Mary received from God.

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Uncover the powerful messages of Our Lady of Fatima, as we delve into the dramatic story and five essential warnings for the salvation of her children. Explore more on our website.

Our Lady Of Fatima

Throughout the ages, Mary has appeared many times to devout souls delivering messages that concerned the salvation of her children. Arguably no other Marian apparition was more dramatic and left more of an impact on the Church and the world than the story of Our Lady of Fatima. Here are five warnings from Our Lady of Fatima taken from Compendium of Marian Devotions.

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Uncover the ten virtues embodied by the Virgin Mary and find guidance on how to cultivate them in your own life. Seek her intercession for a virtuous journey on our website.

The Titles Of Mary

St. John Henry Newman is most well-known for his conversion from Anglicanism to the Catholic Church. Surprisingly, Newman held a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother even as a Protestant, and it was ultimately this Marian love that drew him home to the Church. This article compiles Newman’s tender writing and preaching on the titles of Mary. 

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Discover the ten virtues exemplified by the Virgin Mary and learn how to cultivate them in your own life. Seek her guidance for a virtuous path on our website.

The Ten Virtues Of Mary

The Virgin Mary is a shining example of virtue for us on earth. The following are the ten virtues she perfectly practiced throughout her earthly life. As her children, we should earnestly ask her to assist us in the cultivation of virtue in our own lives.

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Delve Into The Rich History Of Devotion To The Blessed Virgin Mary In The Catholic Church. Understand The Importance Of Mary In The Lives Of Believers Globally.

Who Is Mary?

No woman is more venerated throughout the world than the Blessed Virgin Mary. For over two thousand years, the Catholic Church has spread devotion to the Mother of God. This excerpt, taken from Compendium of Marian Devotion explains who Mary is and the importance she should have in our own lives.

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Immerse yourself in the ancient meditation on Mary's beauty, virtue, and sanctity. Saint Ildephonsus of Toledo portrays her as a radiant lily flower, symbolizing her utmost purity. Visit our website to delve into this profound reflection.

The Radiant Lily Flower

Taken from Crown of the Virgin: An Ancient Meditation on Mary’s Beauty, Virtue, and Sanctity, here, Saint  Ildephonsus of Toledo reflects on Mary as a radiant lily flower—a symbol of her most perfect purity.

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Immerse yourself in the heartfelt anguish of Mary as she shares her Son's dolorous suffering in "The Passion of Christ Through the Eyes of Mary". Explore the prayers from the Rosary to the Seven Sorrows of Mary, offering a unique perspective on this spiritual journey.

Prayer To The Seven Sorrows Of Mary

Dictated to St. Anselm by the Blessed Mother herself, The Passion of Christ Through the Eyes of Mary blesses readers with a firsthand account of Mary’s deep sorrow at the dolorous suffering of her Son. The following prayers are excerpted from the Rosary to the Seven Sorrows of Mary found in this great spiritual book. 

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Explore the universal admiration for Mary, from the highest heavens to the deepest abysses. Witness how people of all backgrounds and beliefs acknowledge her as truly blessed.

Of Mary, There Is Never Enough!

Every day from one end of the earth to the other, in the highest heights of the heavens and in the profoundest depths of the abysses, everything preaches, everything publishes, the admirable Mary! The nine choirs of angels, men of all ages, sexes, conditions and religions, the good and the bad—even the demons themselves, willingly or unwillingly—are compelled by the force of truth to call her “blessed.”

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The Ave Maria

It has always been customary among Christians to imitate the example of the archangel Gabriel, and salute our blessed Lady in his words. The devotion

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Discover the captivating vision of the Apocalypse as described by John the Evangelist. Explore the website's insights on a woman adorned with the sun, moon, and twelve stars. Unveil the mysteries of the past.

God Reveals His Plan For The Virgin Mary To The Angels

In The Apocalypse, John the Evangelist speaks in the past, because at that time was shown to him a vision of that which had already happened. He says: “And a great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”

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