Discover this resurrected chaplet from the Middle Ages honoring the Seven Sorrows of Mary! As granted by Pope Benedict XIII, anyone who prays the entire Rosary of the Seven Sorrows receives an indulgence of seven years. Read more below!
What Is the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows?
The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary is a devotion consisting of the Angelic Salutation (the Hail Mary or Ave Maria) being recited forty-nine times as seven groups of seven. Each of the groups of seven (or septets) is preceded by an Our Father (or Pater Noster) and accompanied by meditation on one of the seven sorrows of Our Lady.
It is pertinent to note that this form of the Rosary has been granted official approval by the Roman Catholic Church, and several popes have decreed particular indulgences to those who pray it.
Pope Benedict XIII, in his Bull Redemptoris Domini of September 26, 1724, granted the following:
• an indulgence of two hundred days for each of the Angelic Salutations and Lord’s Prayers of this Rosary when said in a church of the Servite Order;
• an indulgence of two hundred days for each of the Angelic Salutations and Lord’s Prayers of this Rosary when said in any location, on any Friday, or during Lent, or on any of the feast days of the Blessed Virgin;
• an indulgence of one hundred days for each of the Angelic Salutations and Lord’s Prayers of this Rosary when said in any location and on any days others than those specified above; and,
• an indulgence of seven years for anyone who prays the entire Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
Pope Clement XII, in his Bull Unigeniti Filii of December 12, 1734, added to the above-listed indulgences the following:
• an indulgence of one hundred years to anyone who receives a set of beads for saying the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary which has been blessed by a priest of the Servite Order;
• an indulgence of one hundred and fifty years to anyone who recites the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, or any feast day of the Blessed Virgin using a set of beads blessed by a priest of the Servite Order;
• an indulgence of two hundred years for anyone who recites the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary after having made a thorough examination of their conscience and who prays for the exaltation of Holy Mother Church, the eradication of heresies, and the increase of the Catholic faith;
• a plenary indulgence, once a year, to all who make a custom of praying this Rosary at least four times a week, on whatever days they choose; and,
• a plenary indulgence to all who recite this Rosary every day for an entire month, praying for the exaltation of Holy Mother Church, for peace amongst Christian leaders, and for the eradication of heresies.
The Rosary of the Seven Sorrows
First Sorrow
Simeon’s Prophecy
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
Second Sorrow
The Flight Into Egypt
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
Third Sorrow
Losing the Child Jesus for Three Days
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
Fourth Sorrow
Jesus Carries His Cross
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
Fifth Sorrow
The Crucifixion
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
Sixth Sorrow
Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
Seventh Sorrow
The Burial of Jesus
Our Father…
7 Hail Mary’s…
In memory of the tears shed by the Blessed Virgin
3 Hail Mary’s…
Apostles’ Creed…
Stabat Mater…
This article is taken from a chapter in The Passion of Christ Through the Eyes of Mary by St. Anselm which is available from TAN Books.