TAN Direction Search Results

Experience A Retreat That Embraces Woundedness And Vulnerability, But Be Aware Of Potential Blame And Disrespect. Join A Circle To Share Your Stories, But Prepare For Unexpected Dynamics. Learn More About This Unique Opportunity.

Spiritual Retreats Need Piety And Modesty

A charitable young man, a former parishioner of mine, heard that I was stuck in quarantine. He texted me, indicating that he had just finished a weekend retreat, was in the neighborhood, and could drop off some victuals for his reclusive ex-pastor.

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Immerse yourself in the spiritual journey outlined by Ven. Louis of Granada in "The Sinner’s Guide." Gain valuable insights and guidance on overcoming sin and embracing redemption.

Deferring Conversion Until Death

The excerpt below is taken from the 16th-century TAN classic known as The Sinner’s Guide.   The author of this work is the Spanish Dominican theologian, preacher, and spiritual writer by the name of Ven. Louis of Granada (1504-1588).

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Delve into the topic of God's fatherly providence, the ultimate source of favors and privileges for those who serve Him. Learn how this providence furnishes man with all necessary means for perfection and happiness on our website.

The Grace With Which The Holy Spirit Fills Devout Souls

God’s fatherly providence, of which we have just been treating, is the source of all the favors and privileges which He bestows upon those who serve Him.  For it belongs to this providence to furnish man with all the means necessary for his perfection and happiness.

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Explore the faults and infidelities we commit daily and their impact on our relationship with Our Lord. Learn from the experiences of great saints like St. Catherine of Siena and St. Teresa.

We Should Draw Profit From Our Faults

The faults and infidelities of which we are guilty every day should indeed bring us shame and confusion, when we approach Our Lord; and thus we read of great saints, like St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Teresa, that, when they had fallen into any fault, they experienced much confusion. 

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On the Mercy of God

“Through the tender mercies of our God.” —Luke 1:78 So great is the desire which God has to give us His graces, that, as St.

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